Sunday, January 25, 2009

Crazy Week

Last week was just crazy! Gracie had been coughing for a little over a week, so on Tues, I called to make her an appointment. While I was on the phone with the nurse I also mentioned that she had not gone to the bathroom in 3 days(sorry TMI). They told me a couple things to try and that we could talk more at her appt. On Wed. we went to her appt. She had a sinus infection-that is why she had been coughing. The Dr. then told me to try Miralax to help her go to the bathroom, only give her juice, lots of fruits, vegetables (we had already been doing most of this). Well Wed. night she woke up screaming and continued for 4 hours, her stomach was definitely bothering her. We finally called the dr. at 1:30 in the morning. He told us a bunch more things to try and if she continued to cry he would meet us at the hospital. Well she never went to the bathroom but finally fell asleep around 2:30, just to wake up again at 4:30. During this time I had to type my sub plans, knowing I wouldn't be going to work. She finally went back to sleep from around 7-8:30. so, I basically only got 1.5 hours of sleep that night. The next day she continued to be in pain and I was on the phone with the dr. about 4 times. They were wanting us to try everything we could here because if we went to the hospital she would be put out for a sleep enema and he said it wasn't very pleasant. Finally, after giving her 2 suppositories and having Miralax all day she finally went to the bathroom-it had been 7 days.
This weekend she is finally back to herself and I'm praying that this will not be a continuous problem. It was a rough week...and to top it off now Tim is very sick..he probably needs to see a dr., but is refusing right now.

Yesterday, we met my Uncle Jeff for lunch. Then Gracie was invited to her friend Ellie's birthday party. She has a really good time. Today we are going to the north side of Indy. Our friends, Jen and Hans, that we met in Aruba decided to get married while on vacation in Miami. So, today they are having a reception.

We have been going to mommy and me gymnastics. Gracie LOVES it. She goes right in and sits down. She can do a front somersault, hang on the uneven bars, walk on the balance beam, and jump on the trampoline. She has learned so much in only 3 weeks. We are going to continue in the class. We are also still attending Story Time at the library and she loves to go and listen to stories and play.

More new words....mess, jump, animals, gorilla, pretty, pretzel, apple juice, purple, kids, and GRACIE!! She is finally saying her name! She also has really started getting into Elmo-I'm thinking this might be our 2nd birthday party theme.

1 comment:

The Canups said...

Glad to hear little Miss Gracie is feeling better. That sounds like it wasn't fun. She is a little busy body with all her activites. You should be so happy about all the time in the evenings you have to spend with her.